Sunday 24 February 2013

12: Lanquin pt 2 - Guatemala

Days 45-47 (27th-29th Nov): Making Bracelets and Tubing the Rio Lanquin
Written 07/12/12
 So after a busy few days things went a bit sour. The Tuesday we were up a bit late because of the night before and we had planned to go river tubing, but they said that was better in the morning, so we gave that a miss and just caught up on sorting out photos and things like that. Also saw the BIGGEST butterfly I have ever seen, it was beautiful, and we saw lots of pretty and strange flowers too. Late afternoon Liam went back to the caves to see if they had found our torch, but no such luck! They also charged him again to get in to look for it, but he caught a ride back on the back of a pick up for free so that was his mini adventure lol.
  That night we started talking to a man from Nicaragua who turned out to be an artist and who was selling jewelery that he made. It was lovely and I wanted it all lol, but I was good, and instead he offered to teach me how to make some of it because it was all knotted string work stuff. It was rele kwl and we spent the next 2 hours sat there while he taught me all these different techniques and traditional patterns, I was so happy! Now I have lots more ideas for making stuff, so dont be surprised by your next christmas present family, but at least it will be made with things I have learnt from Central America :) It was partly in Spanish and partly in English so that was a challenge. It was fun though and we bought him a few drinks to say thanks too.

After that I started to feel rele unwell, quite out of the blue, so we went to bed about 9pm which is really early for us. That night was horrible, I was sick several times and had the worst stomache cramps and fever. It was really bad and had no idea what it was and Liam couldn't help :( When I woke up the next day I ached all over and still had a fever and was rele sick, it was horrible and the whole day was a write off. Liam was lovely though and rele looked after me and bought me tea and things. It was annoying because I couldn't do anything fun and couldn't get things like blogs done either, grrr! But it rained all day so wasn't too bad. We also had to extend our stay here too cos of that.

The next day was a bit better, still iffy but better, so we decided to go tubing! The hostel gave us huge rubber inner tubes and we got a tuktuk to the river which was funny with the rings sticking out the sides :) We got to the river and just had to make our own way down and in, once a day there is a guide that will take you but we were on our own. We waded in, jump in the rings and then we were off... and it was interesting...

 The water was quite murky and cold and you couldn't see the bottom, in some places it was nice and calm and in others it got rele quick, rapidy and bumpy... Liam and I kept going at different speeds and drifting apart, and I was terrified of going into/under the hanging trees at the edges when the current took you there, mainly cos there were lots of big rocks, and also cos I was scared of what was under there! There were times when it was nice and relaxing, but I was still worried something was gonna come and bite my bum lol. The views were great because it lasted about 40 mins through the countryside, fields and mountains and all the dangling branches, so was very pretty but I couldn't pay much attention lol. I think Liam liked it more than me!
The end was the worst bit tho. We got to the river at the bottom of the hostel but before that there were some faster rapids with rocks which were huge when your only in a tiny ring and I thought I was gonna get tipped out! After that you have to grab onto some rope that hangs over the river and cling on and it was awful! As soon as you grabbed it the rush of the water got crazy strong pushing around you and you tried to go against the current, as soon as liam grabbed it took him out of his ring, I missed the rope, grabbed his ring and caught the next rope but then I was stuck, I couldn't move along the rope with one hand and I was so close to being completely swept away by the current! A guy working behind the hostel bar saw we were in trouble and dove in to help us. He grabbed me and blocked the water infront of me and helped me along the line, it was the strongest water I have ever felt! It was SO scary! Once we got out the hostel owner said he was sorry, the river was a lot faster because of all the rain and he hadnt thought about it! =O Thanks!

Tried to have a shower to warm up but the barely luke warm water didnt help a lot (I have put a pic of the loo in here lol, you should see why!), and then we had to move out of the cabana and into a loft cos it was booked. It was the triangle roof part above another cabana, had no door, 2 singles, and the most insects I have ever seen in the roof (a palapas roof) which we were far too close to! Great!
We decided to go out for dinner to a little local 'restaurant'. I love the comedors here, they are often just someones front room and kitchen, there is always 'platas typicas' which is usually eggs, beans and rice of some kind, and then there are about 3 other dishes for that day that the lady comes over and tells you about to choose from (all in speedy Spanish) with no menu and thats it lol. Its great! and the drink is usually a big jug of juice that everyone in the restaurant has. We had our first go at some local fried fish called Mojara. We are not big fish eaters at home, but decided while we are here we should try some new things! It came whole, head and tail attached and we had to pick through it (or Liam did lol) but it was soooo nice! Rele glad we tried it, and it was cheap too :) We then had an early night because we had to catch an early bus in the morning out of here. Bit of a strange day rele.

So tomorow we are off to Coban, a big mountain town to do some more town-y things. It will be a nice change after here. Its been rele beautiful in the mountains and the caves and Semuc was gorgeous, but I think the illness tainted it a bit :( and im quite ready for some decent internet and somewhere a bit busier. We shall see, I may go running back to the moutains afterwards!

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